Cleaning can be a time-consuming process that just seems to take you away from a hundred things you could be spending your time on that are more worthwhile like reading that book that’s been sitting on the counter for a month, or cooking the three course meal you watched on TV. Thankfully not wanting to clean is a universal feeling which has led to a great many ideas to shorten and make more efficient the process of cleaning.
Learn to multi task when cleaning. Watch TV while you fold the clothes, soak dirty dishes while you cook so they are easier to wash. Clean out your purse while you’re on the phone. Watching TV while you multitask is a controversial topic; many people say not to do it. It’s too easy to be distracted. You may enjoy going through your stacks of mail in front of the TV. See how it is for you, if it works, that is great. And if it doesn’t then turn on some music instead or listen to an audiobook while you fold.
Look up time-saving tips
Cleaning does not have to take as much effort and time as it seems to. All it takes is noticing it and then looking up a way to do it. Bagging your socks and underwear in different pillowcases for example, is a great way to keep them together in the wash. Buy an oven liner to catch spills in the oven so you don’t spend an hour scrubbing. There are a myriad of tips out there to make the tasks you don’t like easier, quicker and more efficiently done.
Cleaning schedule
Work out a schedule that works best for you and group similar or related tasks together. For example, you know you will need to wash your work clothes every Friday so you will have fresh clothes for the weekend. Make Friday laundry day. If you start the wash in the morning and put the clothes in the dryer in the evening when you come back home, this works well. Most times, it is easy to wash then fold before the wrinkles set in the clothes.
Cleaning checklist
There are many checklists out there broken down into daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal tasks that need to be done to have your house clean and green. Sometimes, it can be overwhelming keeping track of the stuff that needs to be done, so print out or make your own checklist and use it to structure your time – setting a day aside to clean the gutters and sweep up the leaves before winter, changing the air filter all go on the list.
Remind yourself
Sometimes, with all the things that need to be done, it can be easy to forget a new schedule – a different cleaning day, a specific task. So when you decide you are going to do something, find ways to remind yourself. Set up a reminder on your phone, email alerts, or write it down on the calendar for a day before and the day of so you remember.
* This article was originally published here
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